Banish Budget Blues with all-inclusive accommodation
If you’re looking for short to medium term accommodation for any reason, whether it’s business or pleasure, renting in 2021 feels like an uncertain time, especially for medium-term renters who don’t need the full 12-month contract that most private landlords require.
So, you may well be considering the benefits of all-inclusive rentals – just like the ones we offer here on InnClusive.
You might be worried about taking out a rental agreement in 2021 due to the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with so much uncertainty at the moment concerning utility bills and council tax bands if you relocate, it’s a minefield and stressful for any individual concerned about their income and expenditure.
After the recently revealed 2021 budget, many households will be breathing a sigh of relief that there will be no council tax rise this year. However, the income tax threshold will be frozen until 2026 after April.
This means you will be paying more tax on your earnings should you get your yearly pay rise. Depending on your current annual salary this could be detrimental should you cross the threshold of the higher tax bracket, meaning you’ll pay up to 20% more tax without the threshold moving.
Renting a private property
For financial security, private landlords will likely be looking for longer-term commitments of 6 months or more from tenants to cover mortgage payments and other expenses.
Then you need to think about signing up for Wi-Fi, cable, or satellite TV, all of which come with a 12-month contract. What’s more, you also have your utility bills and council tax to consider – it can soon add up.
Landlords are also likely to want a deposit of 1 or more months rent – plus administration fees. If you’re not expecting to stay somewhere long term then this all feels like a lot to go through for 3 or 4 months accommodation while you work on a project.
Why going all-inclusive is the answer
When you choose all-inclusive accommodation, like one of the growing list of properties at InnClusive, all the utility bills are covered with your rent, meaning you don’t need to fret at the thought of council tax or energy rises.
The upfront costs are also more in line with the rental requirements. If you choose to rent your next property through InnClusive you’ll never pay more than the £500 rental deposit upfront, making your medium-term rental a easier on the pocket, especially at a time we need to keep an eye on the pennies.
You’ll know exactly how much you’ll be paying to cover your rent and all your bills as it’s all taken care of, your rental will also include Wi-Fi, furniture and any equipment you need.
When you rent a property with InnClusive you can be sure your property meets a standard that most private rentals can’t reach in terms of cost, quality and maintenance.
You also won’t have to worry about buying furniture as all-inclusive properties are furnished to a high standard and if you have any issues, including an appliance breakdown, you’ll have the peace of mind that it’ll be taken care of promptly as part of our all-inclusive service agreement.