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Peterborough | Corporate and relocation accommodation

Peterborough is a city in eastern England with strong transport links to Cambridge and London. The medieval city is known for Peterborough Catherdral and its rich heritage. It also has stunning landscapes of Nene Park and Ferry Meadows.

InnClusive’s fully furnished corporate apartments are well located around the city, with everything you’d need for a four+ week stay.

Every InnClusive stay has

InnClusive Peterborough Properties

Business and relocation apartments

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3 Bed
  • InnClusive's Emperor Way in Peterborough - lounge
    Emperor Way, Peterborough
  • Corporate accommodation at Clayton House, Peterborough with InnClusive - dining / kitchen
    Clayton House, Peterborough
  • InnClusive’s apartment at Chadburn House, Peterborough - Kitchen
    Chadburn House, Peterborough
  • InnClusive’s apartment at Outfield, Peterborough - Living area
    Outfield, Peterborough
  • InnClusive’s apartment at Kennedy Street, Peterborough - living area
    Kennedy Street, Peterborough
Flexible Corporate Accommodation

Effortless InnClusive Living